Beauty Hacks,  Hair

Un-Frizz Yourself!

Hello Lovely!

So you know how I talked about Winter drying out your hair? Well it causes a whole lot of frizz too. Yea, take a second to do a huge eye roll, its definitely granted. I mean come on, is there really any season where your skin and hair is safe? Honest answer, no haha. That is unless you live in a unknown land, where every season is absolutely perfect, and the hot/cold/humid/dry weather doesn’t exist. Which in that case, you need to tell me where this land is, because I need to move there NOW!

But in all seriousness, let me share some tips with you how to avoid frizz all together, or at the very least minimize it. Because lets be real, who wants frizz?!?!

Tip #1. Minimize the heat!

You’re probably thinking ”Uh girl, you are out of your mind if you think I’m not using heat in this cold weather.” I don’t blame you for thinking that haha. I’m a freeze baby, no way I’ll go without heat. So that is why I say MINIMIZE haha. Less heat the better, in all senses. Your hair and skin will thank you! So lower your thermostat, reduce the heat setting on your hot tools, and don’t take a boiling hot shower.

Tip #2. Deep Condition Mask Weekly

This is so important during these cool months. With the dry air, all the moisture your hair needs, is essentially being pulled out. Which is why you need to use a Deep Condition Mask weekly. This will put moisture and some awesome vitamins back into your hair, like my DIY Moisturizing Hair Mask HERE.

Tip #3. Sleep On A Silk/Satin Pillowcase

Sleeping on a silk/satin pillowcase can do wonders. I recently switched our sheet set over to satin, and it was the best choice ever! This will reduce bedhead, split ends, any causing of frizz, and silk/satin doesn’t remove moisture like cotton does.

Tip #4. Wash Your Hair Less

Washing your hair too often is not doing you any good. By doing this, you are actually stripping your hair of its natural oils. These natural oils are good for your hair, removing them on the regular increases your dryness and frizz. Slowly start skipping hair washes, your hair will need to adjust, as you have gotten it use to being washed regularly. You may notice more oily hair, this will reduce in time, I promise it won’t last forever haha. In between washes use a Dry Shampoo, this will give your hair some life.

Tip #5. Ditch The Towel

Instead of throwing your hair up into a towel after your shower, opt to use a microfiber towel. When you use a Microfiber towel, there is no need to rub your hair to remove excess water, there is less strain and friction on hair, which leads to less breakage. So if you are like me and need to throw up your hair in a towel after showering, this is the way to go. I use the Turbie Twist Microfiber Hair Towel which is lightweight, soft, and gentle on my hair.

Tip #6. Use Argan Oil For Hair Prep
Jump on the Argan Oil train, its so worth it! Argan oil is an amazingly rich in fatty acids and vitamin E packed oil. It can help turn your dry hair into softer, shinier, more manageable hair, while also reducing frizz. Just apply a few drops in your hands, and run through your wet hair before you blow dry. It can also tame your frizz when it’s DRY! Apply a few drops in your hands, and smooth all over for smooth, shiny hair.

Tip #7. Resist The Urge To Touch

The more you touch, the more you are encouraging your hair to frizz. By touching your hair, you are disrupting your natural oils. So lets just avoid that, and hands off! Or at least keep it to a minimum haha.

Don’t kill yourself trying to add in all these tips to your life. If all of these seem overwhelming to tackle at once, instead try to slowly ease them into your routine. Even just using some of these tips can help you take control of your frizz.

If you have friends/family who would benefit from these Frizz Tips, please feel free to SHARE. Don’t forget to COMMENT below, letting me know what you think about these tips, or if you have any de frizzing tips I may have left out. If you enjoyed this post, and don’t want to miss out on future posts, scroll to the bottom of this page, where you can SUBSCRIBE for notifications. Thank you!

Be kind, and spread love.


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