Beauty Hacks

Scrub Your Face Girl!

Hello Lovely!

If you are like me, you HATE when your face starts getting SUPER dry. Once my skin gets in its dry phase, also known as winter, I dread putting on any sort of makeup. It just completely ruins my looks haha. I know, I’m so dramatic. But seriously it puts a damper on it, making my makeup look flaky…SO GROSS!

Dead skin cells, dirt, and oil can accumulate on the surface of your skin, which results in your skin looking flaky. By exfoliating with a face scrub, this can remove any buildup, leaving you with skin that feels clean and smooth.

This is why I’m going to share with you an awesome DIY Face Scrub specifically for dry skin. We can avoid nasty dry flaky skin together, and make your smooth beautiful skin glow! So what are you waiting for, scrub your face girl!!

Things You’ll Need:

  • 4 tbsp Fine Brown Sugar
  • 1 tbsp Raw Honey
  • 2 tbsp Olive Oil
  • Small Mixing Bowl

Step 1. Add ALL ingredients together in bowl. Mix together until combined. There will be more than plenty, so feel free to use this scrub on your arms and legs as well.

Step 2. Apply to face, scrubbing in circular motions. Do not use on eye lids.

Step 3. Once you are done scrubbing, wash your face. You can use your usual face wash for this.

Step 4. Now enjoy your silky smooth beautiful face! I recommend using this scrub 1-2 times a week, or as you feel needed.

Benefits of Ingredients:

Brown SugarHas smaller particles than other sugars, which makes it gentler and safer to use on face, but is still strong enough to scrub away dead skin cells. It is a natural humectant, this means it absorbs moisture from your environment and deposits it into your skin. It contains glycolic acid, which fights bacteria. Also gives you younger and fresher looking skin by breaking down glue-bonded skin cells which supports cell turnover.

Honey– Contains natural anti-septic, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory, probiotic, healing properties, and is super nourishing and hydrating. The sugars in honey act as natural humectants and emollients that increase the water content and reduce dryness in the skin. It will improve moisture levels of the skin.

Olive Oil– Has many vitamins, including A, D, and K, as well as vitamin E. Moisturizes, and hydrates your skin. It’s loaded with vitamins and strong antioxidants, and helps stimulate cell repair for firmer and smoother skin.

If you enjoyed this blog, make sure to SHARE with all your friends/family. Don’t forget to COMMENT below and tell me what you think of this DIY Face Scrub, and let me know how your skin felt afterwards. Also be sure to SUBSCRIBE below so you don’t miss out on any blogs to come.

Be kind, and spread love.



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