Beauty Hacks,  Makeup,  Skin

New Year, New You, Am I Right!?!

Hello Lovely!

Were closing up another year, and it’s that time where we reflect back. Was it a good year? Did you have many blessings? Are there things you wish had gone differently? Can we change for the better this coming year? With all your reflection, I hope you have been able to grow from it. I believe everything we go through in life is meant as a way of teaching us something. We are meant to constantly grow and learn, don’t ever forget that! You should strive to always become a better you, improving as you age. This doesn’t mean change who you are, but let your mind and soul grow to beautiful lengths. So let’s be totally cliche and say it….“New Year, New You!”

Now that I’m done motivating you into the New Year, haha who am I kidding I’ll do that all year long! Let’s talk about something we can easily change this year, your skin care routine. Skin care is so incredibly important! Our skin is one of the first things someone will notice about us. A lot of the things we find as flaws in our skin can easily be fixed with a great skin care routine. Make your New Years Resolution flawless skin. With these tips I have for you, you’ll be one step closer.

First things first, drink at least 8 ounces of water every day. Not only is drinking lots of water great for your skin, but your overall health as well. Stay hydrated!

Eat healthy. Healthier eating contributes to our skin. So try avoiding processed food, along with sugary drinks, and add more veggies and fruit into your diet.

Beauty sleep. Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Not enough sleep can be a toll on your skin. Getting enough sleep can benefit not only our skin, but our overall health and mood.

Clean your makeup tools. Your makeup tools are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. I talked all about this here and here, where you can find two ways to clean your tools. You should be cleaning your tools once a week.

Wash your face nightly. Make a habit out of washing your face. Natural oils combined with makeup can cause acne. Plus leaving makeup on overnight can age your skin even faster…yikes!

Toner is a must. Toner is more important than you realized. There are many benefits, ranging from removing dirt and oil, balances your skins pH balance, tighten pores, added moisture, and much more. Find one that is best suited for your skin type. Apply twice a day, morning and night after washing your face.

Always moisturize. Its important to moisturize after washing and toning. You want to lock in the moisture, and avoid your skin drying out.

Exfoliate your skin. Once a week use a gentle face scrub, like this one. This helps remove dead skin, clear clogged pores, and bring out a natural glow.

Follow these 8 tips, and your sure to have a natural glow. Join me this New Year in making this a goal, I promise you won’t regret it.

If you enjoyed this blog, make sure to SHARE with your friends and family. Don’t forget to leave a COMMENT below and let me know what you do for your skin care routine, is there something I may have left out? Also be sure to SUBSCRIBE below so you don’t miss out on any future blogs to come.

Be kind, and spread love.


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