
Winter is COMING! Prepare Your Hair!

Hello Lovely,

Did you know that the Winter months can bring damage to your hair?!?! I know what your thinking… ”What the hell, I thought Summer was the only time I needed to worry about damage control.” Unfortunately this isn’t the case, and really you should be treating your hair all year round. Yep, just more you have to worry about haha. But during the Winter, the cold outside weather, mixed with the dry indoor heat, causes some madness on your hair…promoting split ends and breakage! No one wants that!!

So I have an awesome moisturizing, hair growth boosting, damage controlling, vitamin packed, hair mask just for you!

Things you will need for this recipe:

1/2 Avocado

1 Tbs. Coconut Oil

1 Tbs. Honey

1 Egg

Microwave Safe Bowl



Step 1. Warm ALL ingredients in microwave safe bowl for 15 seconds.

Step 2. Mix up well. (Or blend in blender for a creamy mask, if you rather not have chunks of avocado in your hair.)

Step 3. Massage mask from ends to roots. You will want to let this sit and work its magic for 20 minutes.

I am not kidding when I say it looked like someone blew chunks in my hair haha.

You don’t have to use a hair cap, but I recommend it to avoid your hair mask getting all over your clothing during your wait time.

Step 4. Wash hair as normal with shampoo and conditioner. (Preferably with salon quality hair product, don’t even get me started about how damaging some drugstore hair products can be.)

I recommend using this mask 1-2 times a week for several weeks, in order to enjoy all the benefits this mask has to offer.

Benefits of Ingredients:

Avocado- An amazing source full of proteins, amino acids, and vitamins. Helps rejuvenate and moisturize the scalp. Also helps soothe the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth.

Coconut Oil- Stimulates hair growth getting deep in the hair follicles. Promotes scalp health. Adds luster, shine, and softness, Prevents hair breakage and split ends.

Honey- An emollient that seals in moisture, keeping your hair conditioned, this reduces breakage. Antibacterial and antiseptic qualities. This prevents scalp infections and soothes issues like dandruff, eczema, and psoriasis. Boosts hair growth.

Egg- Rich in vitamins that can make hair more resistant to damage. Is a super food for your hair, due to the unique combo of vitamins found inside. Vitamins A and E, biotin, and folate are some of the nutrients that researchers have linked to hair growth and healthy hair.

Now go enjoy how amazing your hair is going to look and feel from this mask!

If you have friends/family you need to let in on this amazing hair mask recipe, feel free to SHARE. Also please don’t forget to COMMENT below, let me know your thoughts, and tell me about your results. Plus if you have any other tips to keep your hair in its greatest form through the cold weather, please share with us all in the comments. Thank you!

Be kind, and spread love.


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