
Wear The Red Jacket!

Hello Lovely!

During this past Winter, I started thinking about how the clothing I wear has transformed. Maybe not something others would have noticed, and that’s fine, but its something I’ve noticed. I’m feeling more empowered within myself…let me explain…

On a whim during a date with my husband, we decided to go in a Goodwill. Right when we walked in there was a display on mannequins with Valentines Day inspired outfits. Lots of reds and pinks, some tiny hearts design on a blouse. Yet my eyes were drawn in by this beautiful shade of a red jacket on one of the mannequins. As we walked through the store, I continued to think about that jacket. But I kept thinking to myself, “Where would I wear that? I would NEVER end up wearing it. It will sit in the closet, don’t waste your money”. When I stopped myself. Why am I thinking these thoughts? So what did I do next? I took the red jacket off the mannequin, found a mirror, and put the jacket on of course! I felt AMAZING! It was then, that I knew I had to have this jacket, and my husband couldn’t agree more. So it became mine.

How could this jacket make me feel sooo good about myself? I still had the same hairstyle and makeup on as I started the day with. I even had the same outfit on, that you could still see as I was wearing the jacket open. Yet here I was, bright eyes and smile, feeling more confident than usual. This couldn’t be the jacket, could it? It was the jacket though.

For years I’ve avoided anything that attracted more attention to myself. I didn’t want to be in the spotlight. So I avoided the bold patterns, or bright colors. All in hopes that I would go by a little less noticed. Why? I blame my introverted self for that one. Because if someone is looking at me, oh gosh something is wrong haha. I’m trying my very best to get out of that mindset. Which is why I’ve started wearing what I LOVE. We need to all stop caring what others may think, or what others wear. We are not them. I don’t want to be anyone else. Wear, and do, and be what makes you happy.

Now I wear all the leopard print pieces I want, I wear my signature red that makes me happy, I wear the bucket hat that reminds me of my childhood. I don’t care if you think I want the spotlight, or if you think my leopard print is yuck, or if you think I don’t dress my age. I DON’T CARE.

I’m not here to please you, or do what you want. Nor should you feel that way either. Do what makes you happy. Find the thing that makes you feel yourself, and confident in your own skin.

Wear The Red Jacket!

In the parking lot immediately after I bought my Power Jacket.

My Red Jacket, is now known as my “Power Jacket”. I pull out my Power Jacket every time I feel the need to have that boss babe energy. Lookout, this boss babe energy isn’t leaving, she’s here for good.

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Be kind, and spread love.


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